Thursday, January 10, 2013
This is not a chapter, instead, it is a post to clear a few things up.

First of all, thank you to everyone who is reading this blog. I love and appreciate any feed back on my work. My goal with make my writing progress public is to encourage myself to keep going even if I don't want to. Maureen Johnson, author of 13 Blue Envelopes,  says that the best advise she can give to authors is to give yourself permission to suck. Not everything you write is great or even good. When working alone, I have a hard time doing that. I don't like this chapter so i'll start over OR I want to change this plot point so I'll go back and rewrite this OR this book is going no where, I'll finish it someday when I'm a better writer. BAD, bad thoughts to have. In fact, this is why this book started out as a NaNoWriMo project, NaNoWriMo gave me permission to suck by pitting me against myself. The book doesn't have to be good, it just has to be written  For Example:
"Monday Caldecott used to wonder if they felt it when they died. If the moment her teeth ripped into their neck, they felt pain when she drank them dry. Did they feel pain the way there victims did when they beaten, raped and killed them or were they empty and numb. She used to wonder but after the first few kills, she pushed the thoughts back." 

That's the original first paragraph from the NaNoWriMo version. Granted  the timeline is different and the plot has changed but it still really needed to be revised. After two years, that turned into this: 
"The grave had changed in the last month, like Monday’s life, it had acquired an air of abandonment around it. The January snow had already begun to cover the hill of dirt that once told Monday where to find her friend, but Monday had visited the grave so often that she knew its location by heart. As she stood in front of the grave surrounded by the dead, she marveled at the fresh headstone and envied the dead girl. Just arrived this morning, Alyson’s tombstone, accompanied by her parents, who lingered only a few minutes before leaving in their grief. The headstone was a shock. Until this morning, Monday felt like she was in a fog, that the death wasn’t real but until this moment, the arrival the marker had made the death real. Monday realized in her weakened hungry state, with no home to go back to, for the first time in her seventeen years she longed for her own headstone and to join her friend six feet under."
Much better.

Second point I would like to make is the grammar and spelling errors. I would like to say, I'm sorry. My computer does have word on it and Scrivener, the program I use to write with, doesn't have the best spell checker. I got an A in remedial writing and still mess up sometimes (okay a lot) My Dyslexia makes it hard for me to pick up on the little things, usually my mother goes through and helps fix the Meganese but shes gets these chapters the same time as everyone else.

Third point, and kinda a big one now that I think about it, this book will have adult content. There will be more deaths and they do get more graphic  Not to mention the book does touch some controversial subjects. If anyone is uncomfortable with touchy subjects then you don't have to keep reading. I will not hate you and be mean to you in real life, I understand. (If you want to know some of the touchy things the book with touch then highlight the rest of the sentence. It does spoil a few things. Things that will happen or are implied; rape, sexual abuse, more swearing, more deaths and suicide.)

And the last thing I would like to say, my current plan is to have Chapters go up on Tuesdays and blog post on Thursdays  My theory is that the more I post, the more likely I will not abandon my book. So if you have any questions or things you want me to talk about then post them in the comments does below. Chapter 2 is coming along and will be up on Tuesday.

With all due respect,
P.S. the first person who can name where the signeture comes from can have a sneak peak of Chapter 2.


Rusty Rhoad said...

Sounds fair. Keep writing.
What is your writing discipline? How often/how long?

Unknown said...

I am pretty sure the signature is from your favorite Lemony Snicket books.