
A 21 year old novelist just trying to finish their first novel by sharing the writing progress with the world.

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Monday, February 18, 2013
         It took only a hour and half for him to find her, but it was the longest hour and a half of Monday’s life.

Monday was leaning against the counter, tying not to look at Dion, and thought this was not what she wanted. She hated Dion, but never wanted him dead. When he would touch her at night, when he made her call Alyson a lier in court, when Alyson was bullied at school for “ruining” Monday’s family and he banned Monday from talking to her. Even when Alyson killed herself and he called her every name in the book, Monday never wanted him dead. Gone, but not dead.

But there was this part of her that was glad, there was a part of her deep down that found relief in his death. This part of her felt darker, this part must have been the Nightling being freed.