
A 21 year old novelist just trying to finish their first novel by sharing the writing progress with the world.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
I would like to start off with this post to let everyone know that Chapter 9 is delayed a week. I have two test to study for and a camping trip to go on, basically, I don't have the time. With that out of the way, I wanted to write another fun post.

A lot of the names in the book have a special meaning behind them. As I pointed out in Chapter 8, most of the street names are Catholic saints, like Martha street where Ezra lives in named after Saint Martha, the patron saint of cooks.

Some names don't have that special of names, Syringa is just the real name of lilacs and has a lot of them. Monday's home town Larksper is the common name of Consolida, a flower that is toxic to humans. Some of the characters names don't have any real meaning other then I liked them; names like Jolene, Jason, Edith, and Marcus. Bo was named after a fictional charter from the Thief Lord(BTW great kids book)

And sometimes what seemed like random names turned into happy accidents.
(You can skip to 3:00. If you ever have a bad day, watch Bob Ross)

For example, Monday at one point was named Wendy and it was going to be short for Wednesday. i thought that it was to cliche to name a depressing charter after the worst day of the week in the mother goose poem, so instead I settled on Monday. Fair of face but worst day of the week, a little bit of bad and good, just like Monday. However after I renamed her is when I discovered that the day Monday is named after the moon. I gave my night dwelling character a night themed name. (Side note, the moon has nothing to do with night, I did learn something out of Intro to Astronomy.)

Some other characters had their back story added because of their name. Ezra was always Ezra because I liked the name and Sorin was named Sorin after I watched Legend of the Guardians, the stupid owl movie. I liked the name and my have been influenced by Jim Sturgess.
Look familiar?

And yet after I named them and looked up what their names meant, I was kinda inspired by them. Ezra means "Help" in Hebrew, which inspired his Jewish heritage and Sorin meant "Sun" in Romanian, which inspired his heritage, just the Romanian part, the Romani part came in later.

I like knowing the meaning behind character names, even if it's not intentional. It's like colorful eggs on a Easter egg hunt. Since i won't post again still afterwards, Happy Early Easter, Eostre, bunny commercialism or whatever you celebrate.


Rusty Rhoad said...

Good luck on your exams -- we await eagerly for Chapter 9.